Thursday, June 27, 2024

MPI - Day 3

Today we looked at planning our program. We looked into grouping students different ways and timetabling each week. We were given a huge quantitry of tools, resources and sites today, and whilst a little overwhelming, I found this incredibly helpful. Moving forward from here I plan to simplify the taskboard I made previously so that it works better for me, and extending the use of my board to a fortnightly cycle rather than weekly.

It was good to see a number of examples around yearly curriculum overviews and breakdowns. This is something I feel we do individually at our kura but could benefit from doing a school overview.

I enjoyed looking deeper into rich tasks at a whole class level, breaking into small groups/pairs, and then coming back to share and extend with the whole class in a number of ways. I like my own strategy of giving students the answer at the very beginning, and getting students to focus on and share strategies rather than being answer driven. I find this works very well for students at all levels. I plan on increasing and structuring this more so it happens every Friday in my classroom next term.

Moving forward, I plan on explicitly exploring Mathigon, nrich, youcubed and eAko along with math fact lab in my programming for next term.

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MPI Day 7 - Geometric Thinking