Friday, August 20, 2021

DFI week 4

This weeks learning has been about three different apps that I have not previously used much, if at all. There has been a lot of new information this week

I found todays learning fantastic for showing me ways to collect and analysis data from tamariki, fellow staff, and whanau. It has given me numerous new ways to collect and analise data for and from my class, in a much more efficent way. Im looking forward to setting up a self reflection for students at the end of the school day or specific lessons, to help them become more independant and accountable of their own learning journeys.

I am excited to try using maps to help my students compare distances and locations. I had not previously used this app before at all, so there are many possibilities I have not tried for learning opportunities within my class.

With another possible lockdown upon us and remote learning very likely to become a reality in this coming week, I am wanting to try usinf forms in a way my students can access to check in with me each day. I envision this being mostly about wellbeing, but I may also see if I can use this for clarification of students learning and as an opportunity for whanau to reflect back to me on quantity and quality of activities.

1 comment:

  1. Ka pai tō mahi! The map is great and I love how it is interactive as well. As you say there are many applications in your class for this and the other apps used today.
    If you repeatedly use the Google Form you can have all results feeding into the same spreadsheet - yell out if you want a separate lesson on this and I can help out.


MPI Day 9 - Create and Share