Thursday, November 21, 2024

MPI Day 9 - Create and Share

Today we spent some time discussing and exploring the Create and Share aspects of the Manaiakalani pedagogy. It was great to hear other teachers ways of engaging whanau in this process, and I took away a number of strategies for my practice next year.

It was very positive recapping the vast quantity of learning we have gotten through during this course, and spending time reflecting on both the processes and the content. It is great realising how much more confident I am with the content to be covered in our new curriculum documents, and the range of strategies and resources I am now aware of to assist this too.

I am looking forward to sharing many of these resources, tools and strategies with my colleuge whom is teaching the same year level as me next year, and planning together to use many of them. I believe it will be very valuable for us to be able to compare accross the cohort, especially with the attitude pre and post surveys.

A sincere thank you to our facilitators for the time and effort they have put into this, and how they have gone above and beyond to support us all.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

MPI Day 8 - Statistics and Data

Today we discussed the concept of data talk, aligned with math talks, specifically focusing on the reading of data. There are so many excellent examples and ready to use activities on YouCubed resources of data talks that I plan to insert into my planning in the future.

We spent a lot of time today deep diving into the PPDAC cycle, and a huge array of level open ended and level specific resources, relating directly to our currently draft curriculum.  It was great to find so many resources already translated into multiple languages ready to use, and the differences in the different phase expectations in statistics and probability. It was valuable to spend time exploring this as a cohort, and really clarify our collective understanding of how a students understanding is expected to progress over their years of schooling.

I found this Interactive graph activity on interrprating data a great warm up, or clarifying activity to check students understanding, with really clear pointers and clarifications for misunderstood questions and common misconceptions along the way.

Cencus at school is a fantastic NZ site providing vast quantities of statistical data collected from students accross NZ over many years. Not only does it seem to have a large quantity of support materials and detailed activity progressions at relevent levels from classroom teachers, it also has a new round each year which classrooms/schools can sign up to and then use their own relevent data in analysis activities and learning for students. I especially look forward to using the PPDAC fabulous feet resource from Cencus at School next year in my class.

I found the data cards a really neat way of displaying and manipulating larger quantities of data for students in a visual way. I would like to get my students to digitally create their own data cards with agreed on parameters to use in class, showing different types of graphs to display data and how this looks.

I have gathered a number of ideas and resources during todays MPI to further reflect upon and draw from with my classroom planning next year. It was good to gather tham into a single slide dek including todays planning task so as not to misplace them come next years planning and programming.

MPI Day 9 - Create and Share